Custom Embroidery Samples

We are able to fully customize embroidery designs & logos to match all your needs!

All embroidery pricing is quoted based on logo's # of stitches and the style & quantity of your garment.

beavercrkhat.jpg (136310 bytes)qs&lhat.jpg (40678 bytes)


deer valley.JPG (32028 bytes)         pensdenim.JPG (26434 bytes)        usc mock.JPG (30867 bytes)

                                       burgunderhat.jpg (43725 bytes)ironcityhat.jpg (131587 bytes)

                                 fat head.JPG (38223 bytes)      usc sweatshirt.JPG (28701 bytes)      bethel mom.JPG (48311 bytes)

                                 coppermtnhat.jpg (123579 bytes)mineohat.jpg (35998 bytes)

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700 Millers Run Road   Cuddy PA  15031 (Bridgeville / Pittsburgh)
412-257-8020   Out of State 1-800-775-8337    Fax  412-257-1983

All images & designs within this web site are copywritten and owned by Classic Impressions, 2009